Let’s get right to it.
The idea of virtual coaching calls and training appointments might give you pause:
How is this going to work?
How will my coach see what I’m doing?
Will this even be effective?
Below, we have an FAQ to address these points and more. We’ll preamble by saying that we started doing virtual appointments in May 2020 (like many businesses at the time) and thought it would just be a band-aid to make do.
Oh, how we were wrong.
We found the virtual format allowed our clients to achieve results we had never seen in our careers. The success was beyond anything we had encountered before!
Looking back, we now understand why. Those reasons, laid out below, are also why we will continue to operate virtually wherever possible.
Q. What’s good about virtual?
A whole lot!
Cost: we don’t pay a parent company for gym/office space so we maximize how much your payments go to your services and improving what we can do for you. You also don’t pay a gym membership just to train with us.
Convenience: we can work together as long as you have internet. At home? At work? Early morning? Evening? Traveling? Rotating schedule? We can do all that.
Commute: if training at home (very common, not required), we provide your equipment- you now have zero commute to a gym. This also opens up the number of time slots we can work together. Take that 30-60’ round trip journey and spend the time elsewhere!
Comfort: many clients are self-conscious about training in public or find the gym experience stressful. This is no longer an issue and you can curate your space to your exact needs.
Results: virtual allows more frequent touch points without cost or logistics getting in the way. We are able to create an immersive culture of support and guidance through your whole week. This means you’re taking action, progressing, and succeeding much faster.
Q. What are the tradeoffs of virtual?
Internet: you do need a decent internet connection for smooth communication.
Up-Front Learning Curve: it can take a moment to get used to the rhythm of signing into Zoom and positioning your phone/laptop/tablet at first. It does become second nature soon enough.
Surroundings: while training at home can work very well, you do need to arrange your space and protect your time if you live with others.
No Poking: an in-person training experience often entails some form of hands-on guidance and adjustment by your coach. As this is not an option virtually, our coaches are very skilled at using entirely verbal cueing and guidance to help you hit optimal positions.
Q. How do Coaching Calls work?
Logistics: calls take place via Zoom (preferred) or over the phone and last 30-40 minutes.
Frequency: 1x/wk (Groups or Tiers 1-2-3) or every 12 weeks (Tier 4), depending on your program.
What We Do: these are the appointments every trainer, dietitian, and physician wishes they were doing. We use a focused conversation to gather info about the past 168 hours (last week) to plan how we can make the absolute most of the next 168 hours (next week).
We discuss progress, struggles, frustrations and then together craft an individualized strategy to build the next system your goals require. We pivot and fine-tune in real time so you get the best results.
Q. How do Training Sessions work?
Logistics: sessions take place via Zoom and last 60-70 minutes.
Frequency: 2x/wk (Tier 1), 1x/wk (Groups or Tier 2), or a la carte depending on needs.
What We Do: the first 10-15 minutes are essential catch-up and accountability support. Trainers are typically crunched into a 55 minute session and have to move fast, likely skipping warm ups and behavior check-ins that are key to results.
The remaining time is then a blend of:
1) rewarding and effective exercise
2) nuanced demonstration and instruction
3) progressing and adjusting your plan in real time
Q. How do I stay accountable?
This is an understandable concern when first stepping into virtual coaching:
“If no one is there to ‘make me’ do the work, how will it get done?”
When you have virtual appointments, the effect of accountability is no less than when you’re in the same room as your coach. The real question mark comes the moment your appointment is done.
With typical in-person coaching, the attitude is that the work is done when the hour is finished. You are then given a few verbal instructions and left to fly solo until next week.
Not so with our approach! Because your program and curriculum live in our app, we back-and-forth with you throughout the week, providing feedback and commentary as if we are actually together more.
Accountability just got even easier.
Q. What if socializing is a major part of my exercise?
Energizing human connection is so important to us; it’s paramount to have strong social support and a quality sense of community- that’s why we are currently piloting a Group version of our model!
Whether you are in 1:1 or Groups, our coaches are fun, lovely people who we know you will enjoy working with.
From there, we’ve structured virtual coaching to maximize results and eliminate transitions (commutes, finding a locker, waiting for equipment, etc) so you get the results you want with time to spare.
Then, when you’re feeling amazing and saved hours weekly with our approach, you can use all that extra free time to do the things you love with the people you enjoy.
That is what this is all about.
Q. So you never work in-person?
We won’t say “never”, but we are virtual in 99% of cases. Here’s why:
Coach Location: we are expanding our team but if a coach is not in your area, in-person is not an option.
Coach Calendars: if a coach must commute to meet you, they are missing out on the opportunity to help other clients. Time is finite and our coaches may not be able to allot the extra time to commute.
Cost: we are working to continually reduce the price barrier entry to awesome coaching. Using a facility significantly increases the rate we must charge.
With that said, if the above factors are resolved and your unique situation requires in-person guidance, we are open to discussing options.
Keep reading: How This Works
Check out: Why Choose Us.
Or: Get In Touch